This plugin creates an ellipse based on parameter values for the length and width. It also has an option to draw the focus points.
This plugin creates a superellipse. A superellipse is a 2D shape that varies between an ellipse and a rectangle.
This plugin creates a superellipsoid. A superellipsoid is a 3D shape that can vary between a sphere and a cube.
This plugin creates a sphere for any radius value. Specify the number of latitude and longitude lines to precisely control the amount of geometry. There is also an option to create interesting multi-faceted polyhedra.
This plugin creates a torus based on the parameters for inner radius, and outer radius. Precisely control the amount of geometry created. There is an option to add any number of twists to the torus.
This plugin creates a loxodrome curve based on the radius, number of windings, and directional bearing. The loxodrome is a spherical spiral, which crosses all meridians of longitude at the same angle.
This plugin creates an Archimedian spherical spiral based on the sphere radius and number of windings. The windings are all an equal distance apart.
This plugin was basically an exercise using the SketchUp API to create a 3D fractal. It creates a Menger Sponge for levels 1 to 5.
This plugin was basically an exercise using the SketchUp API to create a 3D fractal. It creates a Sierpinski Tetrahedron, levels 1 to 7.